
  • Travel time is not charged but travel costs are not included in the price.
  • There are services included in the price and extra services. Please check what is offered to avoid any misunderstanding during the meeting.
  • Advanced booking is welcome. The sooner you make booking the bigger chance is to be available. The minimum advanced booking time is 2 hours before the meeting.
  • If the booking should be abroad the travel costs have to paid first. Please contact us and agree how to proceed with air tickets, train tickets, etc...
  • Before the meeting please make sure you are freshly showered, good smell from mounth, smell nice, etc...Please be a gentleman. This will be appreciated and generously rewarded.
  • If you are out of city limits Uber will be required to chauffeur me to you.
  • No sms/text. Make contact directly by phone. Don´t forget to mention some information about yourself like your name, phone number, age, interests, meeting place, etc...
  • Make contact directly via phone. Don´t forget to mention some information's about yourself like your name, phone number, age, interests, meeting place, etc...
  • Bitcoin & Credit Cards of every currency can be used for pre-booking only and are not accepted in person! Inquire to find out how beforehand.
  • The Donations are not negotiable. Exception could be for long time bookings. Highly appreciated if Donation is prepared in the exact amount.
  • Fly Me To You (FMTY)✈ Domestic & International can be booked by sending a gift card for the airline of choice. Enquire for further details.